

Pradel-Miquel, M. Gobernanza urbana y crisis ecológica: narrativas y conflictos entorno al futuro sostenible de las ciudades Revista Española de Sociología (RES) vol, 33 (1) 1-19.

Huete García, M. Á., Merinero Rodríguez, R., & Pradel-Miquel, M. Urban agendas around the world: A case of policy transfer? An analysis proposal. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1–23.


Cano-Hila, A. B.; Simo-Solsona, M.; Oliveras-Lorente, J.; Pradel-Miquel, M. Dar vida a las azoteas: luces y sombras desde la mirada de las comunidades de vecinos. El caso del distrito de Ciutat Vella (Barcelona) On the Waterfront, vol. 65 num. 7 p.3-37. Access to the article


Bródy, L. S., Coppola, A., d’Ovidio, M., & Pradel, M. (2022). Social innovation in Italian cities. A southern European perspective. TERRITORIO, 2021/99, 53–55.

Cano-Hila, A., Pradel-Miquel, M., García, M. (2022) ‘Citizenship Practices and Co-Production of Local Social Policies’ in Kazepov, Y., Barbieris, E., Cucca, R., Mocca, E. Southern Europe’ in Hanbook of Urban Social Policies Chentelham: Edward Elgar. More information


Pradel-Miquel and García, M. ‘Policies and policy approaches in cities’ in Orum A., Ruiz-Tagle, J. and S. Viccari-Haddock Companion to Urban and Regional Studies Wiley-Blackwell More information


Pradel-Miquel, M. Cano-Hila, A., Garcia, M. Social Innovation and Urban Governance: Citizenship, Civil Society and Social Movements Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

Pradel-Miquel, M. Analysing the role of citizens in urban regeneration: Bottom-linked initiatives in Barcelona Urban Research and Practice


Pradel-Miquel, M. ‘Urban Revolution‘ in A. M. Orum, (editor in chief), D. R. Judd, M. García Cabeza, P. Choon-Piew and B. Roberts (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia of urban and regional studies, Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell doi:10.1002/9781118568446.eurs0395

Garcia, M. and M. Pradel Miquel (2019) ‘Bottom-linked approach to social innovation governance. In P. Van den Broeck, A. Mehmood, A. Paidakaki and C. Parra (Eds.), Social innovation as political transformation. Thoughts for a better world, Cheltenham, UK; Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar, (pp. 107-109).

Pradel Miquel M. Lo público y lo Común Working paper 6.5. from VIII Informe FOESSA. Available here

García, M. and M. Pradel Miquel  Innovació social : diferents respostes de la ciutadania organitzada in Barcelona Metròpolis (112), 38-43.


Díaz-Orueta, F., Lourés, M-L, y Marc Pradel-MiquelTransformando los modelos de crecimiento y cohesión: cambios en la gobernanza de Barcelona y Madrid Revista EURE Revista de estudios urbano regionales, Vol. 44 Issue 131

Pradel Miquel, M., y M. García Cabeza (eds.) El momento de la ciudadanía: innovación social y gobernanza urbana Madrid: Los libros de La Catarata

Pradel Miquel, M. y Climent, V. (2018) ‘Transformaciones del modelo de gestión del espacio público de Barcelona‘ Ciudad y Territorio, vol. L, 196 pp.235-248. (Complete issue available here)


Cano, A.,  Pradel, M., and García, M. (2017) ‘Barcelona: Policies for social cohesion in the context of urban competitiveness’ in Cucca, R. and C. Ranci Unequal Cities: The challenges of post-industrial transition in times of austerity. pp. 115-137 London: Routledge

Pradel, M. (2017) Crisis, (re-)informalization and protest: The case of Barcelona Current Sociology Vol 65, Issue 2, pp. 209 – 221


Pradel, M. (2016) Catalunya, Xarxa de ciutats: el municipalisme de Pasqual Maragall i el seu impacte en la governança de Catalunya Barcelona: Fundació Catalunya Europa

Pradel M. (2016) Kiezkulturnetz vs. Kreativquartier: social innovation and economic development in two neighbourhoods of Berlin City, Culture and Society.

Pradel, M. (2016) Making polycentrism: governance innovation in small and medium-sized cities in the West Midlands and Barcelona metropolitan regions Environment and Planning C. DOI:

Pradel, M. (2016) Policentrismo y gobernanza metropolitana: Los casos de la región metropolitana de Barcelona y la conurbación de West Midlands, Revista de Estudios Regionales. Text available here


García, M.; Eizaguirre, S. and M. Pradel (2015). Social innovation and creativity in cities: A socially inclusive governance approach in two peripheral spaces of Barcelona City, culture and Society 6(4), 93-144.


Pareja-Eastaway, M. and Pradel, M. (2014) Towards the Creative and Knowledge economy: Analysing Diverse Pathways in Spanish Cities European Planning Studies


Pradel, M., Garcia, M., & Eizaguirre, S. (2013). Theorizing Multi-level Governance in Social Innovation Dynamics. In F. Moulaert, D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood  & A. Hamdouch (Eds.), The International Handbook On Social Innovation. Collective Action, Social Learning and Transdisciplinary Research Edwar Elgar Publishing, pp. 155-168 (available here)

Pradel, M., Paazlow, A., & Hélène Martín-Brelot (2013) Policies for Small and Large Cities in S. Musterd & Z. Kovacs (eds.) Place-making and policies for competitive cities Wiley-Blackwell: oxford (more information here)

Brown, J., Redmond D., & Pradel, M. (2013) Capitalising on Position: Policies for Competitive Capital and non-Capital Cities in S. Musterd & Z. Kovacs (eds.) Place-making and policies for competitive cities Wiley-Blackwell: oxford (more information here)


D’ovidio, M., & Pradel, M. (2012) Social innovation and institutionalisation in the cognitive-cultural economy: two contrasting experiences from Southern Europe. Cities, vol. 33 pp. 69-75  Digital version

Eizaguirre, S., Pradel, M., Terrones, A., Martinez-Celorrio, X., Garcia, M., Martinez, X., & García, M. (2012). Multilevel Governance and Social Cohesion: Bringing Back Conflict in Citizenship Practices. Urban Studies, 49(9), 1999–2016. doi:10.1177/0042098012444890

Martí-Costa, M., & Pradel, M. (2012). The Knowledge City Against Urban Creativity? Artists’ Workshops and Urban Regeneration in BarcelonaEuropean Urban and Regional Studies, 19(1), 92–108. Retrieved from


Lange, Bastian; Pradel, Marc; Garnizov, Basil (2010) ‘New Governance, new geopgraphical scales, new  institutional settings’ dins Musterd i Murie (eds.) Making competitive cities Blackwell: Oxford

Pareja-Eastaway, M.; Turmo, J.; Pradel, M.; García-Ferrando, L.; Simó, M. (2007) The city of Marvels? Multiple endavours towards competitiveness in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region. Amsterdam: Amidst  [WP2.2Barcelona_FINAL]

García, Marisol; Cardesa, Antonio; Pradel, Marc (2006) The European Employment Strategy: An example of European Multi-level Governance Working Papers in Contemporary Studies 77,   Sussex

García, Marisol; Cardesa, Antonio; Pradel, Marc (2006) La Strategia europea per l’occupaczione: un esempio di governance multinivello in La Rivista delle politiche sociali, 2 pp.309-337 Roma

Pradel, Marc, (2008) Europa en la prensa española in Papers, revista de sociología, 87, pp. 235-252 UAB: Bellaterra

Pradel, M.; Duarte, M.; Carbó Núñez, R.; Herreros, T. (2004) ‘La última oleada de movilizaciones 2002-2004’ in Anuario de movimientos sociales 2006, Betiko ediciones: Bilbao

Presentations in Conferences and Seminars

Pradel Miquel, M. & Riutort, S. (2014) Socially innovative forms of renewable energy provision: towards a ‘commons’ approach to sustainability in Barcelona and Catalonia.

Conference: XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan

Pradel Miquel, M (2014) Crisis and (re-)informalisation processes: the cases of Barcelona and Berlin
Conference: XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan

Pradel Miquel, M. (2013) Innovación social, gobernanza urbana y desarrollo económico: el caso de Berlín
Conference: XI Congreso Español de Sociología, Madrid (Spain)

Pradel Miquel, M. (2013)  Crops in the city: agricultural activity as a form of resilience in  the metropolitan context (available here)
Conference: RC21 Conference, Berlin (Germany)

Pradel Miquel, M. (2012) ‘Governance and socioeconomic innovation: Two european territories compared
Conference: ISA Forum, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Co-organizer of the panel Governance and Diversity in Cities (2010)
Conference : RC21 Conference, Amsterdam (Netherlands)

D’Ovidio, M.; Pradel, M. (2010) Social innovation and institutionalisation in the cognitive-cultural economy: two contrasting experiences from Southern Europe
Conference :XVII ISA World Conference, Goteborg (Sweden)

Pradel Miquel, M. (2008) ‘The imperatives of the Knowledge economy: transformation of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region[pdf]
Conference: European Newtork of Housing Research conference 2008 Dublín (Ireland)

Pareja Eastaway, M., Pradel Miquel, M., Turmo, J.(2008) ‘Innovation and creativity as a challenge for competitiveness: the case of Barcelona
Conference : IX EURA Conference: learning cities Milan (Italy)

García, M.; Pradel Miquel, M.; Eizaguierre, S. (2008) ‘A governance focused reading of socially creative strategies against exclusion
Conference : IX EURA Conference: learning cities Milan (Italy)

Martí, M.; Pradel, M. (2008) ”Urban Creativity In The Spaces of Capital: the case of Poblenou artists’ in Barcelona
Conference: International Sociological Association Forum  Barcelona (Spain)

Pradel Miquel, M.(2007) ’Análisis crítico del discurso de la gobernanza urbana
Conference: IX Congreso Español De Sociología, Barcelona (Spain)